Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Solution to North Korea...Jack Bauer!

Ok, so North Korea is acting like a spoiled 2 year old again. All the pundits are offering an opinion on what President Obama should do. I've got a 2 word answer...Jack Bauer. Ok, I know Jack is a fictional character, but here me out.

First, we give Jack 24 hours. To make his job easier, we lock his daughter in a very top secret location, and make sure she is guarded by the entire US Marine Corps. Because if we don't, she'll surely get kidnapped, and then Jack will have to go rogue to save her.

Ok, so he has 24 hours...we fly him to North Korea. We give him a PDA, a cell phone, a 9 mm, and a direct line to Chloe O'Brien. The biggest struggle for Jack will obviously be figuring out which residence North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Il is staying at. But, I'm sure he can capture some random North Korean military officer and make him talk. Jack always makes them talk.

Somewhere around the 8 hour mark, Jack will capture Kim Jong Il. After another hour, Jack will get Kim to spill the beans about the entire North Korean nuclear program. Then, Jack will use his remaining 15 hours or so to destroy the entire Nuclear Program, and safely escape North Korea. And he'll do all of this with just his 9 mm, his PDA, cell phone, and his direct line to Chloe O'Brien.