In "Green Lantern, First Flight," DC Animation Studios has hit on another gem. In the line of recent animated features from DC, "Green Lantern" keeps the ball rolling with a story that is told well, and full of action.
"Green Lantern, First Flight" follows test pilot Hal Jordan as he becomes a member of the Green Lantern Core. The Green Lanterns are protectors of the universe, and they are powered by their Green power rings. After being chosen for the ring, Jordan is taken by other Green Lanterns to their home base where he faces questions about being the first human to become a Green Lantern. But, when senior Green Lantern, Sinestro, agrees to take Jordan under his wing, he is allowed to keep his power ring and learn the ropes.
We see Hal Jordan quickly excel as a Green Lantern. Soon he uncovers a conspiracy against the Guardians, founders of the Green Lantern Core. Jordan is forced to choose sides, and, despite his inexperience, he becomes a force to be reckoned with.
I enjoyed this movie, nearly as much as "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies." I never really knew that much about Green Lantern as a kid, so there wasn't a nostalgia attached to this one like there is with a Batman or Superman film. Still, it's a terrific animated movie. Easily 4 stars...maybe even 4.5.