Thursday, May 28, 2009

So let me get this straight...

First, the Federal Government spends all kinds of money to bail out GM and Chrysler, because bankruptcy would mean death for them and their suppliers. "Nobody will buy a car from a bankrupt company" was the drumbeat from those in favor of the bailout. So, we did the bailout, and now, the Federal Government basically owns GM and Chrysler, and Barack Obama is essentially Chairman of the Board of both companies. This was supposed to fix GM and Chrysler and save the day for the auto industry.

Here we are some months later...Chrylser is in Bankruptcy and GM is preparing to enter Bankruptcy protection. As a taxpayer, I have to ask...what was the bailout for? Why was my money wasted? As taxpayers, we should be outraged! But, Barack Obama sounds good when he reads his teleprompter, and the media doesn't do any real reporting anymore, so my guess is this will be largely ignored or unnoticed by the masses.

This is just another example of why the Government can't fix anything. There are 2 things the Federal Government does roads and blows things up. The government doesn't do retirement well...Social Security is going to bankrupt this country. The government doesn't do health care well...Medicare and Medicaid are full of fraud and waste. The government can't even implement a decent standard for national education...see No Child Left Behind.

Face it, the Federal Government fails at almost everything it tries. Yet, we keep electing the same imbeciles to go to Washington D.C. and they continue to fail us! Elections have consequences, and unfortunately for all of us, and our children, and our grandchildren, recent elections will have repercussions for generations to come.

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