Saturday, March 17, 2012

Blogger's Block - Part 2

I have blogger's block again.  I can't seem to think of anything to write, more than a few sentences, which I put on Facebook.  Last time I had blogger's block, I wrote about it and a few days later I was able to get rolling again.  I'm not sure if it's going to work this time.  I may be all out of blogging ideas, and that would make me sad.

This started right after we moved to our new house.  We've been so busy that I haven't had time to pay attention to much of anything going on in the world and thus, no blog topics have popped into my head.  That, and we've been working so hard between having 2 houses that I'm just worn out all the time. 

Plus, I'm not watching as many movies (ok, none really), and I'm not reading enough.  Hence, no blogs. Please stay tuned, hopefully ideas will spring forth again soon.