Saturday, April 25, 2009

Playtime Poppy!

This afternoon, we went to see "Sleeping Beauty" at Playtime Poppy. Playtime Poppy is a Children's Theater group, made up of mostly high school kids, who put on 3 shows throughout the school year.

This was the first time I've gone with to Playtime Poppy. The other times, Amanda and the kids went during the week when I was working. But due to the current state of Amanda's ankle, I was forced to go because I had to drive. I'm glad I went, because this was an absolute blast! Watching the kids be so excited about what they were seeing was great. There is a lot of audience interaction required, which David and Nicholas really got into, especially Nicholas.

Before the show started, a royal joke teller was needed for the show. David went and told a knock-knock joke. David's joke was funny, but he was not selected as the royal joke teller. Then the show began, and lasted for about 45 minutes. Afterward, all the actors were in the hallway outside the theater, signing autographs for the kids. Nicholas and David each got a couple of autographs on their programs.

I'm really glad I was forced to go. I hope the kids continue to enjoy things like this, and I hope I get more opportunities to go with them.

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