Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Move out...Please!

I saw the following article from MSNBC, so it must be true as it comes from the most liberal news source going (he says sarcastically):

Yes, you read that right, now the City of New York (i.e. the liberal capital of the world) is going after salt. Apparently, it's too hard for people to look at a label, see how much sodium is in there, and not eat it if it's got too much. New York City has taken nanny state to a whole new level. First, it was trans fats, then calorie counts on menus, now they are going after salt.

Look, I struggle with high blood pressure, so I know it's not easy. But, if you read labels, you can quickly find foods with less sodium. It's just not that hard to do.

As I read this, I was thinking, why would anyone want to live in New York City? After all, taxes have reached confiscatory levels, the cost of living and doing business is through the roof, you have to put up with Yankees fans, it's crowded, it's dirty, the airports are always backed up, and now...the food Nazis are at it again!

But then I thought...maybe they want people to move out. Maybe they've recognized the problems I just spoke of, and have decided that the only way to fix them is for less people to live in New York City. So, maybe they are trying to make it as crappy as possible so people will be forced to relocate. I know, it may seem far fetched, but hey, anything is possible when liberals are involved (oops, there's that sarcasm again).

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