Monday, February 9, 2009

Movie Review: Wanted

"Wanted" is one of those films where you just have to tell yourself "everything that happens in this movie is totally possible in the grand scheme of the movie." For instance, you have to accept that assassins can curve bullets, withstand extreme pain, and generally be all around super human just through training. Once you do all that, "Wanted" becomes a non-stop, over the top action movie that is one of the best I have seen in recent memory. Easily a 5 star movie in my book.

The other raters on Netflix have not been so kind, typically giving it around 3 stars. So, this may be one where I missed the boat. But for my money, this is a great action movie that doesn't require much heavy thinking. James McAvoy plays the lead role, as the assassin in training for "The Fraternity" (a group of assassins that have been around for 1000 years). I didn't know McAvoy from anything else, until I realized he was Mr. Tumnus in "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe." This is definitely a different role for him. Under the tutelage of Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman, McAvoy's character quickly becomes a top notch assassin, and what follows has to be seen...I can't describe it to you.

"Wanted" deserves it's R rating. There is a lot of off color language and it's very violent. However, if, like me, you are a fan of over the top action films, and you are old enough to watch rated R movies, move "Wanted" to the top of your must see list.

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