Thursday, February 12, 2009

Miscellaneous Thoughts

Here's another one of those combo blogs. Basically, I have a lot of little things floating around that I just can't put into an entire blog.

Michael Phelps - He should have just said "I didn't inhale." It worked for Bill Clinton, so why wouldn't it work for Michael Phelps? Seriously though, I hope he decides to swim again in 2012. Watching him win 8 gold medals in 2008 was my sports highlight of the year.

Stimulus Plan - This plan is a load of bull honkey. Why does it have to be one gigantic package that must be rushed through, rather than several smaller targeted actions? Now I'll answer my own question...because this way the Democrats can sneak "Health Care reform" and other pet projects in.

We get what we voted for - Congratulations American voted for change, and you're getting change. Elections have consequences, and I fear that we will face the consequences of this election for years, maybe decades, to come.

Steroids in Baseball - Everybody was doing steroids in baseball from about 1987 - 2003. Nothing can shock me anymore when it comes to this. So, when it came out that Alex Rodriguez was using Steroids from 2001 - 2003, my response was "yeah, so what?"

Golf Season is less than 2 months away - For those of us in the Midwest, this is the time of year when the winter has gotten too long. For those of us that love to golf, we're on month 4 without playing. Frankly, I'm starting to get the itch really bad. Fortunately for me, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The temperature hit 60 degrees this week, reminding me that it's only a matter of time.

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