Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Make a Decision!

I was at bowling league today and they have a lot of TV's in there. On one TV, I saw a Fox News Headline that said "Administration Split on Afghanistan." I thought, how can 1 man be split? After all, President Obama is the Commander-in-Chief, so it's his decision to make. He can get advice, but in the end it comes down to him.

For those that aren't keeping up, a few weeks ago (maybe longer), the General in command of Afghan operations requested 40,000 additional troops to turn the tide in Afghanistan. My understanding is, he plans to use these troops for more humanitarian type missions...you know, get the Afghan people on our side. Once this request went in, President Obama started deliberating...and he's been deliberating, and deliberating, and deliberating ever since. For a man who wanted to rush through a stimulus package in 15 minutes and a new health care plan for all in about 20 minutes, this has been quite a change.

Recently, Secretary of Defense Gates has said this decision can't wait much longer. The smart people that our taxes pay to advise the President on Defense issues are saying that Obama must stop deliberating and make a decision. Yet, he continues to deliberate. Maybe he's too busy campaigning for massive health care reform?

Frankly, this was one of my biggest concerns about President Obama during the election. Would he have the intestinal fortitude to be the Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces? Given that he had never really led anything prior to becoming President, I had reservations, and he is confirming those reservations every day he delays the decision.

So Mr. Commander-in-Chief, let me boil it down for you, because there's really only 2 options.

1) Do what the General you wanted in charge asked for and what your Secretary of Defense is saying you should do. Send more troops.
2) Get the heck outta there. If you really don't believe in the mission over there or don't believe we can win, you are doing our service men and women, and their families, a disservice by keeping them in harm's way.

This choice is up to you, and you alone, President Obama. This is what you asked for when you asked us to elect you. It's time to step up and lead. I may not agree with you, but if you make a hard decision and stick to it, at least I can respect that. Remember Mr. President, the title isn't Committee-in-Chief, it's Commander-in-Chief, and whether you know it or not, it's the most important job you have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this post, Jake.