Monday, December 14, 2009

President's Say the Darndest Things

Well, President Obama is at it again. This time he is insulting Wall Street "fat cats." In a CBS interview, President Obama said, "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street."

But that wasn't it, then he went on to say (sarcastically I might add), "They're still puzzled why it is that people are mad at the banks. Well, let's see. You guys are drawing down 10, 20 million dollar bonuses after America went through the worst economic year... in decades and you guys caused the problem. These same banks who benefited from taxpayer assistance who are fighting tooth and nail with their lobbyists... up on Capitol Hill, fighting against financial regulatory control."

Okay, 4 points on this.

1) Please, give the man a teleprompter. I mean, come on! That last sentence sounded like Ricky Gervais in "Night at the Museum."

2) President Obama is obviously out of touch, because other than a handful of liberals, people aren't mad at the banks and financial institutions. They are mad at the government. That's why Obama's Real Clear Politics approval rating is now 48%. But it gets better, because Congress comes in at 28.8% approval.

3) Why didn't he run for office to help "fat cat bankers?" Aren't they Americans too? Don't they have the same rights as other, non-fat cat Americans? Isn't he President of all Americans, both fat cat and non-fat cat?

4) President Obama seems to be making a pattern of insulting various groups of Americans. First it was police, when he said that the police "acted stupidly" in arresting Skip Gates. Then it was doctors when he inferred that doctors sometimes perform unnecessary tonsillectomies, just for the money. And now, he's attacking Wall Street types as "fat cats" (not to mention insulting cats).

This insulting of segments of the American people has to stop! This may sit well with his base, but it doesn't fly with most Americans. The President can't say these types of things...sorry, he has to have more tact than that. Talk show hosts can say those types of things. James Carville can say those types of things. The President cannot. He is the leader of the free world, and he is the caretaker of an office that only 42 others have held (for extra credit, which President served twice, as the 22nd and 24th President). The President has to be above it. Who's next? Librarians? Crossing Guards?

The bottom line is the statement Obama made to CBS sounded more childish than Presidential. The President should stop behaving like an angry liberal talk show host and start acting like the President of the United States.


Erin said...

I still read your blog! :) It's good to see you keep blogging and whatnot, Jake. :) I hope you're finding it to be a good outlet for yourself!

Are you gonna add me back into your blogroll...? Pretty please? Well, maybe you don't want to see pictures and posts about my kids. Ha! :)

later, gator.

Erin said...

Hmm... going to try to answer your extra credit WITHOUT using the internet...

22nd and 24th... Wilson? Doubtful, but now there less to choose from...

Jake said...

Nope, not Wilson.

Jared said...

Chester A. Arthur

Jake said...

Nope, not Chester A. Arthur. Do I need to leave a hint?

Jared said...

No, it's the one after Arthur. His name "Rocks"... there's a hint :-)

Jake said...

Ok, I think everyone who is going to guess has guessed. Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th President.