Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ideology Rules the Day

Given that the health care debacle now seems to be all but a done deal, I think it's time I make my predictions for the repercussions of the Democrats putting political ideology ahead of the American people. And don't let the supposed "concessions" in the Senate fool you, this is all about the liberal/socialist ideology. The left wants a single payer health system for this country, but they figured out they can't get it all at once, so they've decided to start taking "small" steps. As I've stated before on this blog, if this really was about reforming health care there are many steps that could be taken that would get bipartisan support.

Anyway, here's my predictions of what the fallout of this will be:

1) The Republicans will take control of at least part of the Congress in 2010. The American public does not want this, and they've said so in countless polls. Strangely enough, when Bush wanted to reform social security, the Democrats used polls showing that the American people were against his reform plans to stop that plan. But now, the will of the American people doesn't matter to the Democrats.

2) Some in the far left will sit out 2010. The not so big secret is far left wackos like Howard Dean don't like the current plan either. For them, it doesn't punish the rich, greedy insurance companies quickly enough, and it doesn't provide enough government control of the health care industry.

3) The tax increases in this bill will stop any economic recovery, and unemployment will continue at 10% or higher for the foreseeable future. Anyone with half a brain knows you don't raise taxes during an economic downturn. But the 60 democrat senators who are voting for this are all demonstrating they don't have half a brain.

4) Obama's approval will continue to plummet. He's out of touch if he thinks this is what our country needs right now. We need to get people back to work, we need to get Americans innovating again. We don't need another federal handout and more taxes. It's the economy, stupid!

5) The deficit will increase once the expenses of this plan hit. Remember, the taxes start now, but the benefits don't start until 2013 (coincidentally after the 2012 elections.)

6) By 2028, we will have a single payer health care system.

I believe this is yet another step in forever changing our country for the worse, and it makes me terribly sad. I honestly, hope I am only correct about numbers 1, 2 and sort of 4, but mostly 1 and 2. However, I fear I will be right on all 6 predictions.

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