Monday, November 23, 2009

It's Not Just the Rich...Another Health Care Rant!

I saw this article on MSNBC today about the Senate's Health Care Bill. I read MSNBC sometimes to read how the far left thinks. I know, you are probably getting sick of my health care rants. But it's my blog, and sometimes I use it to vent.

Anyway, apparently, the Senate bill not only taxes the rich, but it also taxes "Cadillac" health plans. The Senate defines a "Cadillac" plan as any plan where the premium is over $8500 for an individual or $23,000 for a family. In the article, they cite the case of a teacher, who makes $46,000 a year. Her plan is a so-called Cadillac plan, which means that any premium paid, over $8,500, will result in a 40% tax. According to the article, this tax will be paid by the insurance provider.

So, what does this mean? There won't be any more "Cadillac" plans. People like this teacher, who is underpaid at $46,000 a year, but rewarded somewhat with a good health plan, get screwed. Now, I know a good liberal teacher who will say that's ok with him, but I'm sure this won't be ok with a lot of people who like their health coverage the way it is.

This article exposes a couple of lies we've been fed by the Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama:

1) This plan will be paid for by taxes on the rich. Well, not's also going to be paid by taxing the health plans of many middle class Americans (i.e. the middle class gets screwed).
2) If we like our current health plan, we can keep it. Well, that's not true if the new Government abomination...I mean Bill, causes the insurance company providing a person's benefits to reduce benefits or cancel it all together. Then, it's not technically the same plan we liked and wanted to keep.

Look, let's see this for what it is. This isn't a real attempt to reduce health care costs and get benefits to more people. There are simpler ways to do that, and both parties could get on board with those simpler methods. This is the first step in the process of getting us to a single payer plan, favored by all the big liberals. My prediction is, that if the Republicans and Blue Dogs can't stop this, we will have a single payer, national health care plan by 2028.

And what will a national health care plan mean? It will mean crappier care for most, while providing better care for only a very few. It will mean that every election will be a single issue election, and the party that can promise the best health care goodies will win. And which party is the best at offering goodies...why the Democrats of course.

To me, that's the reason for this whole thing. The Democrats know that a national health care plan will mean long term power for their party. Sure, they may lose some ground in the next few elections. Sadly though, the Republicans won't dare repeal this mess, because the Democrats would demonize them for doing so. No new government programs ever get repealed...they just go on and on and on. Eventually, the Democrats will promise enough health care goodies to win their power back, and it will be theirs for the long run. And with that power, they will finally be able to push America to the Socialist, border-line Communist society they want us to be.

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