Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sometimes Glenn Beck Makes Sense

Today I was at work, doing really boring stuff. So, I tuned in Glenn Beck's radio show. I don't listen to Glenn Beck that often, because he can be depressing at times (though I've loved his books). But today it was a toss-up between Colin Cowherd on ESPN radio and Glenn Beck, and I picked Beck.

During the 2nd hour, Mr. Beck made an excellent point. I wish I could just include the transcript of his monologue, because I'm going to have a hard time doing it justice. But it's not available on Glenn Beck's website, and I suck at google searching.

Anyway, the jist of what he said is, this is a Center to Center-Right country. This country is not a far left country, or the country of Michael Moore as Beck so eloquently put it. This is not a far right country, or as Beck described it, the hold you down and baptize you right. This country, for the most part, is respectful of others, and respectful of the Constitution. Most people love this country and don't want to see it completely remade...maybe tweaked in some areas, but not remade. However, the message in this country has been hijacked by the extremes in both parties, leading to fear mongering on both sides, and very little real dialogue.

All good stuff so far. Then, Glenn hit the nail on the head, by saying that the fate of our country is currently in the hands of the blue dog democrats. If the blue dog democrats stand strong now, and say no to the current Obama/Pelosi/Reid liberal express (my words, not Beck's), they can retake their party and force President Obama to govern from the Center/Center-Left, which is about as good as we can hope for now. This is the same thing that happened to Clinton in the 1990's when the Republicans took power. If the Blue Dogs go along with the Obama/Pelosi/Reid machine, then our country will cease to the United States that has stood for so long, and become something only the Michael Moore types can be proud of.

Like I said, I wish I could have found the text and pasted it directly in here. That 15 minutes of radio was the best 15 minutes I've heard in a long time. Maybe if people realized how stupid both sides sound now that the extremes are in control, things could change and we could solve real problems. Sadly, only a handful of people, such as Glenn Beck, seem to realize what is going on.

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