Sunday, May 10, 2009

Movie Review: The Day the Earth Stood Still

I knew this movie was going to be bad. I knew it, and yet I watched it anyway. Not only did I watch it, but I didn't shut if off, even when I realized it was going to be horrible. This is one of the rare occasions when I watched a movie all the way through, and gave it 1 star on Netflix. Yup, it's that bad!

This movie managed to have almost everything I hate in a movie, all rolled into one:
  • I'm so sick of "people are bad and we're destroying the planet" talk. I get enough of this from Al Gore and the media, I don't need it in movies as well.
  • All the attempts to show how badly people treat each other were poorly done. Yes, there is a lot of rotten behavior in this world, but there's a lot of good that people do for each other as well.
  • I really dislike movies where they make the military out to be a bunch of buffoons. The US Military deserves more respect than that.
  • Depending on how it's done, making the government out to be a bunch of buffoons can be ok. However, this movie did it badly...very badly.
  • The movie was's the theme. People are bad and must be destroyed. Oh wait, look at Jennifer Connelly hugging her step-son...well, I better save the world. Come on, there had to be more to it than that!

Don't watch this yourself 100 minutes out of your life.

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