Saturday, March 21, 2009

Book Review: An Inconvenient Book

"An Inconvenient Book" is the first Glenn Beck book I have read. A friend of mine lent it to me a couple of months ago and I finally finished it. Overall, I really enjoyed it.

If you've ever watched Glenn Beck's TV show or listened to his radio show, you'll find that the book is just like those shows. Beck sprinkles funny and offbeat humor with some really insightful commentary on society's biggest problems, from global warming to choosing a movie to watch with your wife. Probably my favorite chapters were the chapters on parenting, poverty and global warming. Beck applies common sense to these topics and uses statistics to back up his commons sense thinking. There are also funny graphics and "A.D.D. moments" throughout the book to help keep it light.

Much like the movie "Next", the ending of "An Inconvenient Book" left me feeling a little unfulfilled. There were 21 great chapters, followed by 1 really not so great chapter on Illegal Immigration. Beck may be correct in his theories on illegal immigration, but it came across as conspiratorial, and sort of unbelievable.

I would still recommend this book to all conservatives who like Glenn Beck. I realize he's not for everyone, but I enjoy his humor and his insights. He is a thinker. If you are a liberal and are interested in changing your ways, this would also be a good book for you to read.

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