Saturday, January 24, 2009

Working Out

I'll admit it, I'm soft. In fact, I often have to use the famous Steven Wright saying to describe my physical condition. "I'm in shape...round is a shape." However, this might be changing.

In early November, my wife started working out 3-4 times per week, doing cardio work and lifting weights at a gym. I admired her, but couldn't get motivated myself. There are 2 reasons for this.

1) I play golf and ride bike from April - mid October, so I wouldn't use the gym membership 6 months of the year.
2) I HATE working out. Everyone always says..."just stick to it, and eventually you'll get the workout high." I never got that. I always felt miserable while doing the workout and miserable when it was over.

However, a few weeks ago, we got 8 inches of snow. My wife and I were out shoveling the driveway, and when we finished, I felt like I was going to die. Amanda on the other hand, barely broke a sweat. I was put to shame...and it was at that moment, I began trying to figure out a way I could start to get in shape (other than round) without a gym membership.

Last Sunday, inspiration came in my Golf Digest. Right there in the middle was a workout targeted for golf that was fairly easy to do at home. All that is required is a few small weights, a medicine ball and some resistance bands. The workout targets the core muscles for golf, so legs, back, abs, obliques and shoulders. I thought, this would be perfect, I can get some of the light weight training and flexibility work that I've been wanting to do now, and then add in cardio work once I can get back outside on my bike.

So, after mass, David and I went to Dick's Sporting Goods and bought the necessary supplies, and I started the workout Sunday afternoon to see how long it would take. With appropriate stretching before and after, it takes me 30-35 minutes to get through it, which is perfect for me (since I have the weights now, I added 5 extra exercises that I know will be good for me). And, it is a workout. I was so sore Monday and Tuesday, but felt ok by Wednesday. I plan to do this workout 3-5 times a week. It's great so far because I can do it from 6:00 - 6:35 in the morning before work. Here's hoping that I found a workout that I'll finally stick too.

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