Monday, January 19, 2009

Stats and Stuff

I've got quite a few things to say, so I'm going to try to sum up in a few short blurbs:

Statistics: I heard on the radio news today that 3 out of 4 Americans will be tuned in to the Obama Inauguration tomorrow at noon ET. That's approximately 225 million people. Assuming tomorrow hasn't been declared a national holiday, I have to question that number. Could this be that the media outlet reporting this only talked to 4 people, and 3 of them were going to tune in, so they ran with that?

More Statistics: Rush Limbaugh reported today that 89% of people want Obama to succeed. How do you think that question was posed? I'm betting it went something like this..."Do you want things to get better under Obama?" Even I would have said yes to that. However, I know I don't want that "success" if it means a massive government funded health care machine that kills our health care system. I don't want that "success" if it means more government funding of abortions and legalized euthanasia. Maybe a better question would have been, "Do you want Obama to succeed in turning the US into a Socialist, Western European Style nation?"

Even More Statistics: 62% of all statistics are made up on the spot. I'm betting that's what happened when the media came up with the 2 statistics shown above.

Another Senator Kennedy: Drudge is reporting the Caroline Kennedy will be appointed to replace Hillary Clinton as Senator from New York. Apparently, she's being picked because of her outstanding qualifications. Oh wait, she has, why is she being picked again? Oh yeah, she's being picked because she's a Kennedy and the Democrats don't want to make the Kennedy's mad.

Inauguration Day: Apparently Obama's donors and the Federal Government are trying to end the recession right now. They are spending $170 million on the Inauguration festivities. Didn't the media criticize President Bush for spending a whopping $40 million on his 2004 Inauguration? Funny, I hear no criticism now. I must not be listening carefully enough because surely the media wouldn't be so hypocritical.

That's all I have for today. In case you were wondering, I won't be one of the 3 out of 4 tuned into the Obama Inauguration tomorrow. I have to work.

By the way, I know that the first 2 items are really polls, and not statistics. But, Polls and stuff isn't nearly as good for a title. Plus, calling them statistics let me make the joke in the 3rd point, so I took poetic license.

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