Monday, September 6, 2010

More and More Spending

Today, President Obama proposed a $50 Billion dollar spending package to rebuild roads, rail and airports. While I think these types of things are actually good government expenditures, I have to ask, where is the money coming from? And, why do all the Bamster's solutions involve more government spending?

How about keeping the Bush tax cuts in place? How about reducing taxes on business so they can compete in the world today? How about cutting spending and putting money towards paying down the debt? How about some idea that doesn't involve spending money we don't have?

The problem is, I don't think Obama is capable of this. In his world view, more government and thus more government spending, is the solution to all that ails us. He is incapable of even considering other points of view because he is such a liberal socialist ideologue that he has actually come to believe that his ideas are the only good ones. And, frankly, that's kinda sad.

That's all, really a lot of build up for not much of a point. That's how I roll sometimes.

1 comment:

Jake said...

In the interest of fairness, I did hear on the AP radio news this morning that Obama is also proposing $100 billion in tax cuts for small business. I guess MSNBC figured the liberals that read their webnews wouldn't want to know that.