Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This is Why He Gets Paid to Write

...and I don't. I've been trying, somewhat unsuccessfully I think, to convey my issues with Barack Obama's leadership, or lack thereof. Today, a friend sent me a link to a piece by Thomas Sowell at The piece, titled "Oil and Snake Oil" almost perfectly reflects what I've been thinking for a long time but haven't figured out how to write. I guess that's why Mr. Sowell has a column at and I have a blog.

The basic premise of Sowell's piece is the Obama administration is more concerned about crafting and maintaining an image than it is about governing and leading. He goes on to cite several good examples, including Attorney General Holder's threats to sue BP over the oil spill, and Obama's recent appearance in the Gulf with his sleeves rolled up, apparently ready to work.

I want to be clear that I am not trying to criticize Obama's response to the oil spill in the gulf, but I think Sowell's examples from that are good. I don't know what Obama should have done and I don't have a problem with BP paying for this...though I think we need to be careful about how much BP is demonized. If BP doesn't survive this, that will mean a lot more lost jobs. Bush 41 had the government take over, 2 weeks after Exxon Valdez. Is that what Obama should have done? I really don't know.

I don't claim to be a great leader. But, I have lead a few fairly big programs at work, I've organized several golf tournaments and I serve as treasurer for my kid's Cub Scout Pack, so I'm about as qualified as Obama was when he became President. Now that my qualifications are out there, to my point. One thing I've learned is that threatening other people on your team, never accomplishes anything when you are trying solve a problem. So, sending your Attorney General to the gulf so he can tell BP that you are going to sue them isn't going to help fact, as Mr. Sowell says, it could put BP in CYA mode and move their attention from fixing the spill.

Another thing I've learned is that appearances, for the sake of appearances don't matter to anyone who is really doing the work. While Obama showing up with his shirt sleeves rolled up, looking like he is ready to work, might impress the media and Obama supporters, the people on the ground trying to get this fixed are probably really annoyed. What the heck is he doing getting in their way? Yes, he had to go there at least once, maybe even twice, but what purpose is he serving now?

Obviously the Obama administration was trying to sound tough and create an image that they are in charge, but in my opinion, and Mr. Sowell's, these actions did nothing to help solve the problem. Anyway, Sowell's piece is much better than my ramblings, and I think you should go read it.

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