Sunday, October 18, 2009

Movie Review: The Island

I borrowed "The Island" from Nuke to overcome the Netflix 1 disc plan. I've had this one in my Netflix queue forever, but it had never made it to the top. I wish it would have gotten to the top, because this is definitely an interesting, and good, movie.

"The Island" stars Ewan McGreagor and Scarlet Johansson (what a silly way to spell that name), as two survivors of "the contamination" living in a highly regulated indoor colony in the year 2019. All members of this indoor colony hope to win the lottery, which gets them to the island...the last clean area on earth. However, as our main characters soon find out, this indoor colony isn't all it seems, and they aren't what they seem.

I can't really say much more than that without giving away a lot of the plot. I really enjoyed this movie though. I'm a big Ewan McGreagor fan, and he doesn't disappoint in this movie. He plays two roles, and he plays them very well. Scarlet Johansson isn't great, but she's not awful. She has never been one of my favorite actresses, which is part of the reason why this movie has lingered in my queue so long. Sean Bean is the villain, and as always, he excels in the role.

This is a Sci-Fi/Action film. You'll need to like both to enjoy this movie. If you are just an action junkie, I think the complex plot may just drive you nuts. If you are a Sci-Fi junkie, you may get sick of the numerous chase scenes, and find yourself longing for more deep thinking plot twists. Overall, I give "The Island" 4 stars.

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