Saturday, August 29, 2009

TV Series Review: Merlin, Season 1

This summer, NBC picked up the British show "Merlin" for a 13 episode summer run. According to Wikipedia, this marked the first time in 30 years that a major network has picked up a British show. I for one, hope that NBC picks up season 2 of Merlin...if they don't, I'll have to get it from Netflix.

"Merlin" is a retelling of the King Arthur story before Merlin and Arthur rose to prominence. Sort of like "Smallville", but with the Arthurian legend rather than Superman. In the show, Merlin comes to Camelot, where King Uther Pendragon has banned the use of magic. Merlin has significant magical abilities, and under the tutelage of the King's Physician, Gaius, begins to grow his magical talents. Of course, he has to hide this from everyone, which is made more difficult by the fact that Merlin is also Prince Arthur's servant.

In the first episode, Merlin learns that his destiny is to help and protect Arthur until he becomes King. This is complicated by the fact that, early on, Merlin and Arthur despise each other. But, as the season progresses, their relationship grows.

"Merlin" is definitely a low budget production. The effects feel like SyFy Channel low budget effects. But, the cast is very good, and the stories are well written. I didn't think there were any particularly weak episodes, and there were several very strong episodes. I went back and forth on a 4 or 5 star rating for this show, so it's probably a 4.5.

1 comment:

Nuke said...

I haven't finished watching the season yet, but I also find it very good. The low-budget stuff doesn't distract me too much. I'm also bouncing between Merlin and Legend of the Seeker (through Netflix instant watching). That show is similar, but not quite as good.