Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Politics of Distraction

Today, the Obama administration announced that it would investigate the CIA for "harsh interrogation" techniques during the War on Terror. This came approximately 2 months or so (don't quote me on that time frame) after President Obama said that he wouldn't investigate CIA interrogation techniques, because he "wanted to look forward rather than backward". But, as Rush Limbaugh says, everything Obama says has an expiration date, and that date came today for the CIA.

Supporters of Obama will claim that the President didn't want to do this, but he had no choice, because the law is the law, and if there is a chance that laws were broken, it must be investigated. These same supporters will claim that Obama knows this will hurt him politically, but he is doing what he has to do.

To that, I say, what a bunch of bull honkey!!!

This is nothing more than Obama's latest attempt to distract us on the right from the real failures that are going on in his Presidency, while bolstering his support amongst the Bush haters that voted for him. His hope is that this will distract those of us on the right from what he's attempting to do with health care and cap and trade. He wants us focused on trumped up issues, rather than real problems. The recent protests of the right against Obama-care have shown that we can still influence our Representatives in Congress, to the point where even some Democrats are now saying that Health Care Reform likely won't happen this year.

Meanwhile, this is having an effect on Obama supporters already. Today at work, a coworker told me all about how the law is the law and Obama is doing what he has to do...at the expense of his approval rating. He told me that, none of the media pundits think that Obama should do this at this point, but that he has to. I could hear the admiration in his voice. The Bush haters are getting what they want...an investigation into something that went on during the Bush era. Meanwhile, those who think Obama is a moderate are bolstered. They are buying the media spin that Obama is doing something that will likely hurt his approval rating because it's the right thing to do.

To this, I ask, why wasn't it the right thing to do 2 months ago? Why didn't he feel he needed to look into potentially broken laws 2 months ago? To answer this, we have to understand the man. Obama is all about spin. He spun a lot during the election to convince people that he was different. The truth is, he's no different than any other politician, using political tricks and gamesmanship rather than focusing on real issues. Add this to the fact that he's already proven that he isn't the moderate he claimed to be during the election, and a lot of Obama voters must be realizing they were lied to.

The only reason for this timing is to distract us from the real issues!! But we're learning that Obama has no substance, and if he can't fool us, he can't get what he wants. A lot of people were fooled during the election, but some of those people are wising up. We can't let him distract us now. We need to stay on this and stop Obamacare from happening. We need to keep Cap and Trade from happening. We need to keep communicating with our Representatives to make sure they understand how we feel about the issues. We have the power to do this, but we have to stay vigilant and keep our eyes on the REAL issues.

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