Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nobody to Blame Now

Alright liberals, you've got it all now. You have the most liberal President in history. You control both houses of Congress. You have the most liberal leadership in the history of the House of Representatives. You have a 60 vote majority in the Senate (thanks to the Minnesota Supreme Court)...that's filibuster proof baby!

So, if I listen to my liberal friends...yes, I have 2 who actually admit it and several others who are "moderates that support Obama" (a.k.a. liberals who won't admit it), then we should have a Utopia in this country by 2010. From what I've been told it's the evil Conservative capitalists who are exploiting the poor, ruining the environment, and generally causing the world to hate us.

Now that we have the liberal's dream scenario in place, I figure this country should be a Utopia, just like those other liberal strongholds, such as Michigan, California and New York. What's that you say? Michigan has the highest unemployment rate in the country, California is bankrupt and New York is almost bankrupt? Surely not! Why those states have been run by liberals for longer than any others, surely they should be the greatest places to live.

That's the not so well kept secret...liberal policies don't work! They never have. That's why Western European countries such as France and Germany are electing Conservatives now...they've figured out that the liberal policy of redistribution of wealth through tax policies, health care and social programs doesn't work. What Obama and his cronies are trying won't work either. And you know what? They can't blame George W. Bush or Rush Limbaugh or Fox News now, even though they will try. They have it all, and everything that happens going forward, good or bad, is on them (and I believe it will be more bad than good).

And to my Conservative friends out out! They will try to get us to support them in a bipartisan manner. They don't need us, so the only reason they could have for doing this is so that we can share the blame in their failures. Remember our principles...strict adherence to the original intent of the Constitution, limited federal government and protection of human life from birth to natural death. Stick to those principles and hopefully in 2010 we'll have some semblance of a country to begin to reclaim. Until then, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Yes, someone else who thinks the same way that I do. And, I do not drink kool-aid!