Thursday, July 23, 2009

Movie Review: Knowing

I watched "Knowing" last night, and it took me all day today to figure out what I would say about it. I think it's a good movie, and I liked it well enough. For me, it was a 3-3.5 star movie. However, if you are one of those rare people who like Science Fiction movies where you end up having to really think about something, I think you'll like this movie a lot.

"Knowing" isn't an action packed thriller, rather it's a suspenseful sci-fi film that poses the the universe deterministic or random. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll stop there. Ok, one more thing...I was warned about this, and I think it's fair to warn you. There is a plane crash scene, which seems sorta unnecessary. When you watch it, keep in mind that the entire scene was done in 1 continuous take.

I will say that Nicholas Cage was actually not bad in this movie, which was a nice change. He's still better in movies like "The Rock" and "National Treasure", but he did ok in this one. The rest of the cast was decent. It's always tough when you have kids in main roles, because you never know how they will do. The 2 children in this movie did a nice job.

That's all I can say without giving away everything. Here's a link to Roger Ebert's review of "Knowing", which he called one of the best sci-fi films he's ever seen. There are no spoilers in the review, but on the bottom of the review is a link to Ebert's blog, which has spoilers, and some interesting commentary.

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