Friday, July 24, 2009

Barry's Bad Week

This has been a bad week for President Obama.

First, even with a huge majority in both houses of Congress, he can't seem to get as much traction on Obama-care (a.k.a. the plan to make all Americans totally dependent on the federal government for health care) as he'd like. Seems that little things like the facts keep getting in the way. Facts like...there's no way to pay for this in the plan, and he really has no idea what is in the plan! Keep standing strong Republicans and especially you "Blue Dog" Democrats.

Second, his press conference to tout his health plan was such a flop that some in the drive-by media actually reported on what a big disaster it was. It must have been bad if the media felt compelled to actually report it as bad.

That leads me to the #3 bad item of the week for Mr. Obama. During Wednesday's press conference he was asked about the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., a friend of Obama's. After admitting that he didn't know the details, he said that the arresting officer "acted stupidly". Rightfully so, this enraged a lot of people, including a lot of police officers. The President has to be more responsible with his words, no matter how he feels. Today, Obama almost apologized. He didn't actually say he was sorry, but I'm not sure he's capable of saying sorry for things he does. We know he's great at apologizing to other countries for perceived American transgressions around the world.

Finally, there were the reports today that Obama's approval rating is at it's lowest point since he took office. A Rasmussen poll has it as low as 49%, while other polls have it hovering in the low to mid 50's. This is quite a drop for a man who, not long ago, was enjoying 65% approval ratings.

Yes, it was a bad week for our President, but possibly a good week for the American people. Maybe this will slow down the far left-wing freight train of an agenda that this President has been driving. I, for one, hope it does.


Brian said...

It was very humorous when Maha Rushie was referring to the President as President Nifong (prosecutor during the infamous Duke Lacrosse scandal) during yesterday's show. If there was anyone who acted stupidly last week it was whomever in the White House suggested to the President to remark about the instance during the press conference.

There is no way that the Democrats can use the Republicans as the straw man in all of this medical coverage debacle. There is too much open dissension within the ranks of the Democratic members of Congress, I can only wonder what is going on behind the scenes.

The President and the Democratic Leadership are in such a rush to enact this legislation before anyone has a chance to read the fine print. Much like the Stimulus debacle which included language concerning the bonus payments for AIG.

Anonymous said...

The president's comments about Professor Gates' arrest totally torqued me off. How /stupid/ could /he/ be. It sounds to me like Gates acted like a jerk, and so the police had to handle him as they would have to handle a jerk. They put their lives on the line, they can't just let a situation go, they have to investigate, so let them clear up the situation and everybody moves on. Don't act like a jerk to them because then they deal with you as a jerk. Jake, I almost feel like this goes back a little to the Ivy League theory. It doesn't matter if you're black or white, if you're Ivy League, you're better than everyone else, even the police.