Monday, June 15, 2009

We are a Conservative Nation!

That title line may come as a shock to anybody who has watched recent US elections. But it doesn't to me. I've been arguing since 2005 that we haven't had very many real conservative candidates in recent years. Basically, it's been a choice between far left liberals (democrats) and moderate liberals (republicans). And, frankly, the democrats are better at being liberal than the republicans are.

But a recent Gallup Poll found that 40% of Americans describe themselves as conservative. Only 21% of Americans describe themselves as liberal, while 35% say they are moderate. Given that 60% of all moderates are really liberals who won't admit it, that means there is still 54% of the vote available to anyone who would run as a straight up, unabashed fiscal and social conservative.

I'm talking real conservatism here, based on the Constitution and the idea of limited government and freedom for the people. If we get a candidate like that in 2012, Barack Obama won't stand a chance of a 2nd term.

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