Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This Makes Me Angry!

School vouchers are apparently a huge controversy in this country. This is demonstrated by a controversy currently taking place in Washington D.C.. In 2005, the Republicans approved a modest government program, giving a $7,500 grant to students who qualify, that allows them to go to a school of their choice. This was done because the Washington D.C. public schools are poor, at best.

This federal program, which will cost $12.2 million next school year, is on the chopping block this year. I think this Wall Street Journal Article, "Arne Duncan's Choice" sums this up well. To be fair, Obama is trying to preserve the program for students already in the program, but will not allow new students to enter the program.

This causes so much anger in me for a number of reasons:
  1. This program is relatively inexpensive, and it works. The federal budget plans for over $300 million in Welfare fraud, and no one talks about cutting that. But, we're going to cut a $12.2 million dollar program that works? That doesn't pass the smell test.
  2. Parents should have a choice in where they send their kids to school. We are home schoolers, and I think that's the best way to go, however it's not for everyone. If you live in an area with terrible schools, you should be able to send your kids to better schools. We, as Americans should demand better from our public schools. We should demand that they teach our kids, not just pass them along. We should hold them accountable for results. No Child Left Behind has major flaws, but the premise behind it, improving our schools for our kids is a good one.
  3. The same Democrats who are trying to axe this program either send their kids to private school (the Obama kids go to private school), or they move to a public district that is a good one (Arne Duncan). If they believe so strongly in the public school system, then they should put their kids where their beliefs are. Their actions betray the lies that they tell us.

So, why are Congressional Democrats, Obama, Duncan and others trying so hard to axe this program. Because it's a threat to them! If parents are given a choice, the Democrats lose control of the education system. When people see the success of the Washington D.C. program, they'll want it for their area, and when that happens, Democrats lose control. The schools are where they teach our kids to become liberals. Public Schools are where they can attempt to cut God out of our kid's lives. Public Schools are where they teach our kids that America is the source of all that is bad in our world. Public Schools are where they increase their membership!

Finally, we can't overlook the teacher's union in all this. If parents are given a choice for their kids, the deadbeat union members who masquerade as teachers in inner city schools will be out of kids to "teach". I don't know anybody who went through the public school system without a deadbeat teacher. But those deadbeat teachers are loyal, due paying members of the union, and most likely democratic voters, so they must be protected because of their role in preserving the Democrats power!

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