Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's all about Ideology!

As the realities of the pending defense cuts set in, I feel the need to comment. In the first few months of his administration, President Obama has set on a radical agenda of increased government spending, all in the name of "fixing" the broken economy. Obama has been bailing out banks and insurance companies, proposing nationalized health care and firing auto company CEO's.

The role of the federal government isn't bailing out banks, it isn't health care, and it's certainly not making cars. The main role of the federal government is providing for the national defense. This administration seems to have lost track of that most important charge. The Obama administration, through Robert Gates, is proposing cuts to some of the most important programs to our national defense. From the F-22, to the C-17 production line, it seems that very few big programs are going untouched.

Something else that apparently the administration is forgetting is the job losses these cuts will cause. Estimates of job loss if the F-22 program is cancelled are as high as 90,000 employees. You see, when correctly applied to defense technologies, federal government funding can actually create meaningful jobs for hundreds of thousands of Americans. We're facing the highest unemployment rate in years, and the Administration that is spending like drunken sailors is proposing to put more people out of a job in the name of fiscal responsibility?

So, the question is, why are they doing this? Simple, it's about ideology! The Obama administration is the most liberal administration in history. They are doing what liberals do! They are cutting defense, they are rapidly expanding social programs, and very soon, they'll raise taxes by simply letting the Bush tax cuts expire.

If further evidence is needed, we need to look no further than Obama's statement this week pledging to become reducing America's nuclear arsenal. He said this on the same day that North Korea conducted a missile launch. Why would he stick by that statement on a day when North Korea did something so audacious? Because it's about ideology. The ideology Obama was raised on teaches that America is bad, and our nuclear weapons are bad, no matter what. So, regardless of the world situation, Obama is going to say "we need fewer nuclear weapons."

The bottom line is, there's no original thought going on at the White House these days. All that's happening is a regurgitation of the same liberal policies that have been tried in the past and failed in the past. It's unbelievable arrogance that makes Obama believe he can make a failed policy succeed. And this arrogance is going to cost our country severely if people don't wake up.

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