Monday, March 30, 2009

Who should be the next Bond?

Ok, so I've decided that I really don't like Daniel Craig as James Bond, and it's ruining Bond for me. Granted, I was never a big James Bond fan, but I did really like the Pierce Brosnan Bond flicks, and the old Sean Connery Bond movies are always good.

So, I've come to the conclusion that we have to replace Daniel Craig. Don't worry about him, he'll be fine. He's got all kinds of other movies he can make. He's proven himself a capable action movie star, he's just missing something that makes Bond...well...Bond.

Here's my top 5 list for who could be the next Bond should Mr. Craig get the boot, I'll rank them in order:

5 - Sean Connery - he could still do it, really!

4 - Christian Bale - if he weren't already playing Batman as well as John Connor in the new Terminator movie, I would call this a slam dunk. As it is, probably not at this point.

3 - Ewan McGreagor - Bit of a dark horse here, but I think he could pull it off. After all, anyone who's cool enough to be Obi Wan Kenobi can pull of James Bond.

2 - Hugh Jackman - This is an intriguing possibility. I think he could pull it off. Maybe it's a bit of a stretch to imagine Wolverine as James Bond, but maybe not.

1 - Clive Owen - Already an accomplished action star, Owen seems to be a perfect fit for the role of James Bond. For me, he has to be the favorite in this list.

This is all I can think of. There just aren't that many actors out there who fit this role.


Erin said...

Hmm... I am one of "those" that likes Daniel Craig, but I think it is that he finally broke Bond out of the Bond Mold... I was getting "tired" of the same ol', same ol' Bond and really like the depth that he adds to the movies... maybe this means I need to watch Quantum and rethink my comment...

Nuke said...

I'm still a Craig fan. Funny thing about your list, though... I immediately thought of Clive Owen as a possible replacement before I read it. Ewan?!?! Too much of a lightweight to be a Bond, unless he has some inner beast I haven't noticed yet. That thought scares me almost as much as envisioning Jude Law playing Bond.

Jake said...

I'm a Ewan McGreagor fan and I think he could play the role. But, I knew I'd catch flak for that one. Clive Owen is the obvious choice. Jude Law would just be wrong on so many levels that I refuse to ponder that any further.

Jake said...

Erin, you should definitely watch Quantum. I'd be curious to find out what you think.

Nuke said...

Weird timing on your post. They announced this morning that they are releasing Craig, and now Rowan Atkinson is going to play Bond in the next film. Seems like he would be a better Q. Gah. Maybe I'm finally over with Bond movies.

Erin said...

Rowan Atkinson???? ACK.

I am in the middle of Quantum so far.

Apart from the HORRIBLE name, I am actually enjoying the movie.

So... don't know what to tell you.

However, the same day I posted, I ended up watching Bourne Identity w/ Adam and wouldn't you know, Clive Owen is in that movie and I thought, "yup, I can see that."

So, you have some good points. ;) Hee.

Erin said...

Now I am wondering if the Rowan Atkinson thing was an April Fool's that you were trying to pull on me or not.... ;) I forgot all about April Fool's this year.

Chrissy said...

Ok Jake, I'm gonna have to go w/Erin and Jeff on this one, Daniel Craig is a good Bond, in fact he's my second favorite (right after Sean of course). But I DO like the thought of Clive Owen (Sin City, THAT man could be a Bond for sure...)

Erin said...

Oh... and I did finish the movie last night, and actually liked it quite a bit... so... yah, I hear ya on it definitely being a "sequel" to Casino Royale and it not being as "stand alone" as the other Bond movies, but I still enjoyed it. And holy heck, the action was terrific... boats, planes, cars... the whole shebang... and one didn't need Q with all of the cool technology in that movie... it was very "now" and I really liked that...!

Jake said...

Hey, we'll have to agree to disagree...I really just added this so I could get to double digits on comments.