Monday, March 2, 2009

Support our Scouts

On Saturday, my son David received his Wolf Badge in Cub Scouts. The Wolf Badge is the 3rd major badge a Cub Scout can receive. Last year he earned his Bobcat and Tiger badges. Next year, David will be a Bear Cub, followed by 2 years of Weblos, then, on to Boy Scouts, we hope. It goes without saying how proud both Amanda and I were on Saturday night. David has worked really hard, but he's still having fun, which is important.

Scouting is really a great thing! I can only speak for Cub/Boy Scouts because I was in both of those, and I never had a sister to find out what Girl Scouts is all about. Some of my best memories are from Scouting events. Camp outs, Scout Jamboree, and Den meetings with people I still consider friends today. Unfortunately, I didn't stick with it through Eagle Scout, and today I find myself wishing I had. But, even with that regret, I can still say Scouting was a great time for me, and I hope I am helping to make it a great time for my son.

That's my 2 cents on Scouting. I know it gets a bad rap in the drive-by media because it's a faith based group, among other reasons. But, from a first hand perspective as both a participant and now a father watching his son participate, I can tell you that the things Scouting teaches these kids are valuable, and lessons these boys will keep with them the rest of their life. So, next time you see a Cub Scout out selling popcorn, maybe think about buying some, or at least asking them what they are doing in Scouts....they'll probably be excited to tell you.

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