Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Major Bummer Dude

I'm in Huntsville, AL right now. Don't ask why I'm in Huntsville, I just am. I will be leaving tomorrow. Today, I learned that Huntsville isn't part of the south, but if you drive 1 mile out of town you are in the south.

What is Huntsville famous for? For those my age, you'll all remember the Space Camp commercials when you were a kid. Yes, Space Camp! There's a bunch of NASA and space related things here, including a 360+ ft. mock-up of the Saturn V rocket, the largest rocket ever produced. At least that's what the sign said.

So, now you're asking why is this blog titled "Major Bummer Dude". Because, I got all excited about getting to go to the "Space" museums while I was here. However, once I got here, I quickly realized that there hours are 9-5, which wouldn't work for me. I then found out that they were closed on Mondays and Tuesdays through this week. ARGH!!! I was so looking forward to that. I've always been fascinated by the space program. I guess I'll have to come back again sometime.

This did lead me to a question. Why are museums usually only open during the day? Art Museums, Science Museums, etc. all usually close at 5. Wouldn't it make financial sense to stay open past 5 so people with regular jobs can go to museums on weekdays? This may be one of those questions that will never be answered.


Nuke said...

It's probably to make sure they get all those "free" tax dollars from school-supported field trips. Maybe the school system pays triple normal ticket rates behind the scenes.

Jake said...

Oh, that's good...you get some of your conservative points back!