Saturday, January 17, 2009

Movie Review: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperer

"The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" is similar to the other mummy movies. Long on action, humor and CGI, light on acting and dialogue. Overall, it was a good "popcorn eating" movie, but it's not great. Dragon Emperor is on par with the other 2 mummy movies, and I rate it 3 stars.

I had 2 main problems with this movie.

1) Brendan Fraser is the same character in every movie he's in. I don't understand how this guy keeps getting roles in movies. I'm sure he's a very nice person, but he's a terrible actor. His next movie is "Inkheart" which I would be really excited about, except I know Fraser is going to drag it down. I think Fraser's poor acting spread across the cast, as the actor playing his son was basically a younger Brendan Fraser. I've decided Fraser automatically removes 1 star from my rating process.

2) Maria Bello is not nearly as good as Rachel Weisz. One of the best things about the first 2 movies was Rachel Weisz. She actually managed to make Brendan Fraser suck less. I didn't think this would bother me when I heard they made the switch, but it really did bother me.

So, how did this manage to stay on par with the other Mummy movies? Jet Li...he's excellent in the role of the Dragon Emperor, although underused. Jet Li is just a quality action star.

If you liked the first 2 mummy movies, give this one a shot. If you were luke warm on the first 2, don't watch this unless you just want to plop down and watch something that doesn't make you think too hard.

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