Saturday, August 20, 2011

Movie Review: Tangled

TangledLast night, we decided to watch "Tangled" on Netflix Instant Watch.  The boys had already seen this in the theater with their grandmother, but my wife and I had not.  After some recent flops in "Princess" movies, Disney tried to create a "Princess" movie that would also appeal to boys.  I think they've succeeded based on the reaction my boys had to it.

"Tangled" tells the traditional Rapunzel story with a new spin.  As in the traditional story, Rapunzel is living in a tower and she has never cut her hair.  The spin is that Rapunzel is kept there by an evil woman who has convinced her that staying in the safety of the tower to protect her hair is the best thing for her.  What the woman really wants is to keep Rapunzel and her magical hair all to herself.  But that's all about to change when Flynn Rider, a thief, stumbles upon the tower and sees it as a place to hide.  When Rapunzel gets the drop on Flynn, Flynn is forced to take Rapunzel out of the tower to get what he wants.  Along the way, Flynn discovers there's more to life than money and doing whatever you want.

I think "Tangled" is a 4 star movie.  We all enjoyed it.  It's a musical, so it borrows from the tradition of many of the older Disney "princess" movies, but the animation is updated to the computer generated animation we are familiar with today.  The songs are good, but nothing really sticks out.

Overall, "Tangled" would make a great family night movie for most anybody with kids under the age of 10 or so. 

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