Monday, August 2, 2010

TV Series Review: Eureka, Season 3.5

I've been away from blogging for a while. Been really busy and blogging would have added stress, and since I started this as a stress reliever, blogging when stressed would have been the opposite of my plan.

So, season 3.5 of "Eureka" is awesome. I think Sheriff Jack Carter (played by Colin Ferguson) may be my new favorite TV character. While I think "Psych" is the better show, "Eureka" is close...and SyFy's other hit "Warehouse 13" is getting close as well. I just love these quirky, "mystery" type shows.

In season 3.5, major changes are afoot in Eureka, America's smartest town. Carter is still Sheriff, and still dealing with more than his share of scientific mishaps coming from the research of the town's geniuses. Along with the constant trouble, Carter also has to deal with a daughter getting ready to leave for college, acting as the birth coach for Dr. Allison Blake and finally meeting a new love interest in Dr. Tess Fontana. It all makes for a series of 10 quirky, compelling stories that, at times, are laugh out loud funny. This is a 5 star series (unlike Nuke, I'm not stingy with my 5 stars).

I think it's amazing that the cable networks are now making the best TV. Even if you excuse my strange tastes, most of the really critically acclaimed shows seem to be on cable. My 3 favorites, "Psych", "Eureka" and "Warehouse 13" are all cable network shows. It just seems that the over the air networks have gotten lazy.

By the way, now that we finally have a DVR, I'm watching season 4 almost live. The goodness continues.

1 comment:

Nuke said...

Welcome back. I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever post again. Guess now I know the feeling.

I'm not necessarily stingy... my ratings are mostly just offset by 1 star so that Netflix gives me decent recommendations. Or at least that was my plan years ago, which never really worked that great anyway. And since my 3 and 4-star ratings are really 4 and 5-star for you, that means my 5-star movies would either be 6-star for you, or maybe they just wrap around to a 1-star movie. Yeh, it's probably the latter... they're usually weird movies.

Some day we need to get to the bottom of why I really like Warehouse 13 but don't like Eureka or Psych.