Sunday, May 23, 2010

No TV, No Problem

On Thursday, we had our roof re-shingled. They roofers did the tear off of the old one and put the new one on in about 6 hours...crazy fast. We don't have a big house, but still, it was impressive. The only major problem was our satellite dish got out of alignment during the remove and reinstall. So, we were without DirecTV until today. Yes, DirecTV technicians do repairs on Sunday.

I was a little panicked that we wouldn't have TV for a few days, but we made it. I did miss watching 'Mike & Mike in the Morning' on Friday, and it was a little weird cooking dinner without the TV on. I hadn't realized how often I just have the TV on for the purposes of creating noise. So, yeah, it was a little weird, but we made do. We read books, we did more stuff outside, and, well we had a super busy Saturday, so that helped.

There's really no point to this. I've got the TV on right now, since it's working again. I'm not really paying attention to's just noise. In fact, I may take a nap soon, with the TV on. So, I guess I didn't learn anything from this experience...well, maybe I did. Maybe I learned that we can do with less TV if we want to.

1 comment:

Nuke said...

I believe a "no TV" rule was in my wedding vows... I don't remember saying it, but the past 13 years have gone that way. I've found I miss it at times, having grown up with a TV in every single room (yes, bathrooms too). I find myself watching "old" and "current" TV shows on Netflix or these days, but at least it's commercial-free, in quick-dose quantities, and I'm not slave to program times. I guess that's why everyone has DVRs now. It's quite liberating to forego TV altogether, though. It's amazing how much time you have to read books, play outside, or simply go down rabbit holes like I plan to do tonight while I have creating some background noise. Guess I didn't have much of a point either, lol.