Wednesday, May 26, 2010

He's Just Not a Leader

Anyone who has read this blog for any period of time knows that I don't agree with President Barack Obama on much of anything. Though I do think Lebron to Chicago makes some sense from a basketball standpoint. In many posts I've alluded to the fact that I don't think he's much of a leader and he doesn't know what it means to be the President of the United States of America.

Today we had another example. Rather than participate in the usual tradition of laying a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day, Barack Obama is going on vacation to Chicago. Other President's have missed this. In 2002 George W. Bush was in Normandy, France, and in 1992 George H.W. Bush missed it for a campaign event. I give W a little wiggle room there because it was Normandy, but H.W. missing for a campaign event sorta sucks. So, I don't want to beat up Obama too badly over this, but it's becoming a pattern with him. It's as if the act of being the leader of our country just isn't important to him, as long as he can move his liberal/socialist agenda forward.

There are certain things that I believe all good leaders do naturally.
  1. They inspire people to be better than they otherwise could be.
  2. They know when they have to address a situation with those they are leading.
  3. They understand that appearances are important and conduct themselves appropriately at all times.
  4. They do their best to lead all people, even those they don't see eye-to-eye with.

President Obama, sadly, doesn't appear to posses any of these qualities. Let's take these 4 items:

Inspiration: He certainly doesn't inspire people to be better, instead he tells people to stay how they are and let the government make their life better for them. When was the last time Obama said anything that made you feel better about America and made you want to do more for your country? Has he ever said anything that inspired you to be a better person? He hasn't for me...but really the last President to do that was Ronald Reagan.

Handling Tricky Situations: Obama dropped the ball on the Ft. Hood shooting. Most Presidents would have been on TV that night to address the nation and reassure the people. He waited 3 days. He's acted like the oil spill in the Gulf is unimportant until very recently. If this were the Bush administration, the left would be all over him, but, for the most part they are relatively quiet about Obama's lackluster response.

Maintaining Appearances consistent with the Office of the President: Obama has bowed to foreign leaders, making himself, and by extension America, look weak. He has fallen all over himself to acknowledge America's shortcomings around the world. And now, he's skipping the laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. If this were an isolated incident, I would have let it go, but there's a pattern forming here.

Dealing with people who disagree with you: Obama is terrible at this. His plan is to discredit those who disagree with him rather than really debate the issues and understand the other side of the issue. This is probably because his ego won't let him see other points of view. On the campaign trail, his staff tore down Joe the Plumber after Joe the Plumber embarrassed Obama. With health care, when the outcry was the worst, Obama just kept insisting that he knew better than the American people, but did very little to address real concerns. When Eric Cantor and a few other Republicans asked hard hitting questions about health care, he just got mad. He's told the Republicans to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. It took him over a year before he went near Fox News. He's called Wall Street bankers "fat cats" and called police officers "stupid."

Leaders don't do these things...leaders listen, learn and make the best decision based on their own intuition and inputs from all sides. Obama makes up his mind and doesn't budge on anything. I'm not saying that he's going to change his mind if he listens to other points of view, in fact, I'd be shocked if he did, but he doesn't even pretend to care what anyone else thinks, especially those who disagree with him.

The man doesn't seem to possess an ounce of real leadership qualities. He gives a good speech, and he's a wizard at the political game, but he's not a leader. Even die hard liberals have to start to face the fact that Obama is really nothing more than a run of the mill politician with a gift for public speaking. Obama's skill set would make him an excellent infomercial salesman, but they don't make him a good President.


mediocre coffee said...

I disagree. I think Labron should stay with the Cavs.

Jake said...

I have a friend who disagrees with this blog, but refuses to comment on my blog. So, I'm going to share his thoughts.

He thinks Obama is a leader, because a leader has to have a vision, a path to meet that vision and the ablity to inspire people. Obama definitely has a vision, and he is doing all he can to get us there. He's not really inspiring anyone, so techincally, according to my friend, he is only 2/3 of a leader.

Anonymous said...

I guess that makes me the friend who disagrees and does comment.

This is the reason I use you as an example for my classes... you always make your points and back them up. Even though I don't agree with you... I have to tip my cap.

I think the President is a good leader. Could he be better, yes. Yet, he does what he can given the deck that he is dealt. Look, there are some people in the country that would do ANYTHING to tare down Obama no matter what his policies are. People like Beck, Rush, O'Reilly make their living at it and people confuse what they do with "news". To give Beck some credit, he has said that he is nothing more than an entertainer- but that was only after he was caught in a bold face lie. Now if only Fox "News", MSNBC and CNN would admit that they are for entertainment purposes only as well. Anyway, there is no pass given to Obama because of the way Conservatives perceive the way that W. Bush was treated. Conservatives feel that W. got the shaft and they will do anything in their power to make Obama's Presidency a living hell. And they have done quite well. Most of the people who claim that Obama is leading us to the path to “socialism” can’t even tell you what it is or why it would be bad (I've tested this to great results). People just here Beck, Rush or O’Reilly use it and repeat it thinking it makes them sound somewhat informed (not aimed at you). But I digress…

To answer some of your points on leadership:

Inspiration: Obama will never inspire you, and that is OK… so this is a moot point. I could go on and on about the way he has inspired some people, but it is all in the eye of the beholder.

Handling Tricky Situations: I guess I don’t know what a tricky situation is. Isn’t just being the President of the United States a tricky situation? I guess I thought Ft. Hood wasn’t that big of a deal… tragic yes, but every shooting is. From my point of view it didn’t warrant a Presidential response. So, I didn’t think there was a ball to be dropped. I would say that time will tell with the Gulf situation. Right now you have to look at what realistically could have been done vs. was people THINK SHOULD have been done. Again time will tell… maybe the ball was dropped here. But unlike some of the media- I don’t see the relationship between Katrina and the Gulf situation. One was a natural disaster and the other a man/corporation made disaster.

Maintaining Appearances consistent with the Office of the President: Again, all in the eye of the beholder. I see a bow as a sign of respect- not as perceived weakness. Their is a reason half the world hated us and it’s because we appeared like big bullies. Obama is trying to change that image, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. Isn’t part of being a good leader admitting when you are wrong, which some of our policies were, and then fixing the problem?

Dealing with people who disagree with you: Obama has meet with Republicans several times during his young Presidency. Most recently as May 25th I believe? Then the meeting, during a Republican caucus nonetheless, on Jan. 30th in front of the press- with questions and answers. What else would you want? O’ and he never called police stupid. He said that a specific department acted “stupidly” (July 22, 2009). I also think that some Wall Street bankers are “fat cats” so I can’t disagree with him there (again, the glasses I look through).

All in all I think Obama listens more than most of our recent past Presidents. I think the listening is just behind closed doors. But even if he is a run of the mill politician with a gift for public speaking, he is in good company, because that is all Regan was as well. Opps… those are fighting words aren’t they. :-)

I don't care where Labron goes because he is not going to the T-Wolves. O' the pain of being a T-Wolves fan! :-)


Jake said...

Actually per my friends (the one that doesn't comment) recipe of vision, path and inspiration, we concluded Obama hits 0 of those. Since his vision is really just Jimmy Carter's vision, and Bill Ayers vision, and Reverend Wright's vision. And it's not really his path either...he's following Alinski and the Chicago way.

To my friend who does comment. Thanks, even if you are crazy. To your point, I don't think there's anything Obama could do that you would not like. Whereas, I can say that, especially in his last 4 years, W did plenty that I didn't agree with.

Sometime in person I'll explain to you why Obama is taking us down a socialist path. Too much to type in a blog.

Jake said...

And when I say crazy, I mean it in the nicest possible way.