Friday, May 7, 2010

Double Trouble

This week, I have multiple criticisms of our President, but I'm going to narrow it to 2 main criticisms because I think these issues trump everything else he's screwed up recently.

Greece - Well, actually most of Europe. Once Greece implodes, Spain and Portugal are next. Since it's clear to anyone who has not drunk the Obama Kool-Aid that he is trying to convert the United States into a Western European-like Socialist country with cradle to grave health care and a huge government sector, I think Obama owes us an explanation of why we won't implode like Greece is imploding. Why should we believe this will turn out any different here than it did everywhere else it's been tried? In fact, with 300 million people, I would argue that our demise will be faster and more severe than Greece, Spain or Portugal, if Obama continues to take us down this road.

I'm sure he would say, "Uhhh, we're gonna learn from this, and uhhh, we're not going to make the same mistakes. And, uhhh, if we do, it's only because I was left a mess by the previous administration."

Look, all out socialism is a bad idea and what is happening in Europe is proof of that. We were headed down the Socialist path long before Obama was elected President, but he decided to hit the accelerator. I firmly believe that Obama will be a 1 term President, and whoever is elected in 2012 will have to make really difficult decisions that will forever alter our entitlement programs, our defense spending programs and our tax structure. In fact, the decisions will be so difficult and hard to swallow, that whoever is elected in 2012 will likely be a 1 term President as well, because when the free money stops, people are going to be upset.

Health Care - Today, news came out that four major companies have, internally, discussed dropping their health care plans and paying the Government fine. These companies haven't yet dropped their health care, but eventually someone will. I believe I said on this blog that this would happen once health care reform went through. The fine is less than it costs to provide health insurance, so it makes business sense to do this. Basically, the more people learn about this mess of a bill, the worse it is for the people.

Of course, as Obama and the Democrats were ramming this down the throats of the American people, Obama said multiple times that if you like your health care, you can keep it. That was a load of manure and he knew it when he said it. The man stated on the campaign trail that he wanted a single payer system. This current health care plan is nothing but a smoke screen first step to a single payer universal health care system, which has been the plan all along.

Yes we were lied to, again, by this administration. But why should we be surprised...that's what Liberal/Socialists have to do to push their agenda through. They can't be truthful about who they are or what they want to do because they'd be marginalized faster than you can say Aunt Jemima! (I don't know why I said that...I just think it's funny.)

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