Saturday, May 8, 2010

Better Than Must See TV

Yesterday I witnessed a conservative friend, armed with an arsenal of facts, break down the carefully constructed wall a liberal friend had built up about the Hurricane Katrina disaster 5 years ago. It was better than must see TV to see the eyes of this liberal opened to all the facts, and realize that, maybe it wasn't all Bush's fault as the media would have us believe. Not that the Feds didn't have issues mind you, but there were a series of events that went wrong before the Feds could do anything that made their job next to impossible. Now, in fairness to my liberal friend, many of the facts this conservative had weren't widely available. He knew them because he has family in Louisiana and heard first hand how everything went so wrong.

This was an eye opening experience for me too. I have often told people that if I can't blog about it in 20 minutes, it's not worth writing...I don't do research. This is because I'm a busy guy, I've got better things to do than spend 2 hours a night on the Internet digging into all the nooks and crannies of the issues. I also usually just make fun of liberals rather than debate them because if I debate them, I end up feeling like I'm talking to a wall of left wing media talking points. And, I end up super frustrated. But, maybe armed with an arsenal of facts, I could change a liberals mind? Maybe I do need to do more research on certain topics to help our liberal friends understand where the left wing media is leading them astray. If I could help just one liberal see the light, it would all be worth it. This might be a turning point for me. Only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, door is open here...

Can you do research and still be considered a conservative? I don’t think they go together… like peanut butter on a stake. I'm just joking… but it’s funny. :-)

I'm liberal and I'm part of my job is to do research on databases and in peer reviewed journals on a variety of subjects... yet somehow I remain firmly on the dark side (which reminds me of a shirt I saw the other day... "Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies!").

Maybe it is the conservative media leading the conservatives astray? How do you know if you don’t do the research to find out if they are right? I mean… I just saying…

With love man!


Jake said...

I just know a thing is right...common sense tells me it's right.

Maybe liberals have to do research to overcome that nagging common sense that tells them the conservatives are right! ; - )

And, I do research a little (don't let it get out)...when I write on something that uses a topic from the conservative media, I always check MSNBC or NY Times or some liberal outfit like that too just to see how different their take is...if it's close I run w/ it, if it's not, I at least have 2nd thoughts before I run with it and I have stopped before. I just don't spend hours upon hours on the internet running down everything.

Nuke said...

Which is exactly what I do, and exactly why I hardly get a blog post out. Jake's just poking fun at me, I think. ;)