Monday, May 17, 2010

Baby Grand and Sweet Onions

Yesterday, the Men's choir that I play piano with was invited to Manchester, IA to lead mass at St. Mary's Parish. This was the first time we've ever been invited to another parish. Driving up there, I had no idea what type of piano they would have, though I was expecting an upright. When I got there, I was very happy to find a Yamaha Baby Grand Piano. Oh baby!

I haven't played on a grand piano of any sort for an extended period of time since college. When I was taking lessons as a kid, my teacher had a baby grand, and we always played our recitals on grand pianos, so I got a little spoiled. Don't get me wrong, an upright piano is a fine musical instrument, and even the Clavinova that I have is a good piano. However, there's something about a grand piano...the sound is just richer, fuller. It was wonderful. I loved playing that piano!

After mass, the priest that invited us cooked a meal. He grilled brats and hot dogs, and all the families brought a dish to share. We had a great time, and the best surprise was the Sweet Onion Bratwurst! Up until yesterday, I had always steered clear of flavored bratwurst. I've seen them at the meat counter at HyVee, but I've always gone for the standard brat. My thinking has always been that brats are so good, why mess with them? What a fool I was...the sweet onion bratwurst was one of the best things I've ever eaten. You had the great, juicy brat flavor, with chunks of onion and the juice from those was unbelievable. My mouth is watering now just thinking about it.

Who would have guessed a Baby Grand Piano and a Sweet Onion Bratwurst would have such an effect on my day yesterday? I know I didn't expect that when I woke up.


Nuke said...

If you are up near Manchester again, head further north up highway 13 until you get to Edgewood and hit the Edgewood Locker. They have at least a dozen kinds of brats. We love almost all of them, and can't help but fill our freezer with a drive up there every couple months. Their bacon is also far superior to anything you'll ever find in a store. We can't eat store bacon anymore because of it.

Nuke said...

By the way, your neighbor we play cards with? We found out a few years ago that her family runs it. Small world.

mediocre coffee said...
