Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Bendy Straw, the Only Logical Choice

On Tuesday, I was driving in my car when the ABC news break came on the radio. During the roughly 3 minutes of news, ABC felt that a tidbit about Sarah Palin was necessary. ABC reported that a college student somewhere in California had fished a contract for a Sarah Palin speech out of a garbage can. As part of the speech contract, Palin was supposed to get 2 first class plane tickets for her travel and 2 water bottles with bendy straws for the speech.

Now, I know why ABC did this. They want people to make fun of Palin for including bendy straws, because even though Palin is probably not going to make a run at President in 2012, ABC and the rest of the media fears her and the support she gets everywhere she goes. Personally, I think Palin is making too much money and having too much fun to take a run at the Presidency.

Anyway, this is where I step in. After careful analysis, I have concluded that including bendy straws in the contract is the only logical thing to do. Palin can't risk spilling water on herself by drinking directly from the bottle. And, a non-bendy straw will require random neck gyrations to get a drink. So, to ensure seamless drinking capability at the event, she had to specify bendy straws. No chance of spilling, no neck contortions, just quick, easy access to some high quality H2O.

That's the kind of analysis you don't get from other blogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a speech teacher, and thusly studying speech and speech habits for most of my academic career... I have to say most female speakers prefer bendy straws in their beverages. Possible for the spilling aspect, as you said, but mostly for the lipstick. Drinking from a straw means less lipstick application and less mess on cup rims. As stated, the bendy straw is logical as it gives greater flexibility to the drinker. When I worked at the Washington Pavilion, most female speakers requested straws of some sort for their drinks. So I don't see why you would make fun a Palin for that. I guess as she would say, "Drink baby drink."