Sunday, March 7, 2010

Darth Obama?

I'm starting to think President Obama might be a Dark Lord of the Sith. Or, possibly he's just crazy, but for the purposes of this blog, I'm going with Dark Lord of the Sith. From what I just read on MSNBC, which is usually reliable for just spouting Obama talking points, it appears that Obama believes he possesses some sort of Sith mind control. According to the article, Obama has been talking to Democrat lawmakers about his destroy America's Health Care plan, trying to push forward a darkside-like scheme that would circumvent Senate rules and allow the measure to pass with 51 votes. As the article states, "Obama is calling for political courage, citing historic opportunities and essentially saying "trust me" in areas inherently murky, uncertain and out of his control." I can picture him waving his hand as he's saying this to Democrat lawmakers.

I'm sure this makes sense to the nut job liberals out there, but for the rest of us, it's just seems like this health care battle has pushed Obama over the edge and forced him to reveal his Sith nature. He's asking his party to destroy itself, for a bill that helps no one and that his party and the public don't support. And he's doing this because he says it's a 1st step to better health care. That's where he's's a first step to government controlled health care, which is not better, in fact it will probably be worse. But that's what his crazy Sith/socialist mind wants...he wants to control health care because then he controls our lives. If the government decides who gets health care and who doesn't, then we'll have to bend to their will in a lot of areas and give up a great deal of our freedom. For example, if they control the health care we get, they can control what we eat, how much we exercise, what that exercise is, and on and on and on. It's a slippery slope, which is why so many of us are against it.

By the way, the Sith are Socialists/Communists...I'll explain that in another blog sometime.

The Republicans, apparently immune to the mind trick on this one, are sticking to their guns, and even warning the Democrats that this will be political suicide if they push this through now. Darth Obama's dark side minions are countering with, "well if it's so bad, why don't you let us pass it and then we'll get voted out in November." That's obvious to a logical thinking person but I'll elaborate for those under Obama's Sith powers. This bill is bad for America, and the Republicans don't want it just like the American people don't want it!

Maybe now that I've unmasked Darth Obama as a Sith Lord, more moderates who voted for him will realize they've been under Sith mind control, and fully regain their senses. I know there is no hope of freeing the stormtroopers under his control (a.k.a the true liberals), but we can get the everyday citizens who were fooled in the election of 2008. I think the fog has been lifting for quite some time, but hopefully by reading the truth, more will come out of the Sith induced fog.

The only question remaining is, if Obama is a Sith Lord, is he the master....or the apprentice? "Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice."


Jake said...

Apparently I already did a blog comparing Obama to Emporer Palpatine...though in that blog I never specifically called him a Sith Lord. So, this blog was the evolution of that prior blog. However, my readers have come to expect better of me, so I'll try to stop rehashing old ideas.

Sorry, I'll do better next time.

Nuke said...

The final paragraph causing me to hear Yoda in my head for the next five minutes was classic, though.