Sunday, February 28, 2010

Movie Review: "Something, Something, Something, Dark Side" and other Stuff about Movies

Look, I'm not going to waste much time on this. I watched the 2nd installment in the "Family Guy Star Wars" saga, "Something, Something, Something Dark Side." Frankly, it wasn't that funny...2 stars.

I think I'm really at the point in my life where I've outgrown movies like this. I think everyone reaches that point, and I'm there. A friend and I have often discussed how you have to see certain movies at certain stages of your life, or they are totally lost on you. I think that's how it is with me and the latest generation of spoof films. I will always love "Airplane", "Spaceballs" and the "Naked Gun" films...and nothing can top "Monty Python", because I saw these when I was in my teen years, and it happened to hit my more crude sense of humor then. But I don't think I'm ever going to be able to really like the "Scary Movie" type films. They just seem stupid to me. Apparently my sense of humor has evolved.

With some movies, I think it's more nostalgia for how you felt when you first watched it. Or it could be that you remember how good that movie was at it's time, and there's a sense of appreciation there. I know "Ghostbusters" will always be one of my favorite movies, because it was so cool when I was a kid. But watch it now, and it's not so impressive. I can't imagine my kids really getting into that movie when they see the 1980's world it's set in.

Further proof of this can be taken from my own childhood. My dad used to love to watch the old westerns and war movies, but I just thought they were really lame compared to the latest films of the day. But for my dad, he appreciated the times when those movies were made, and it probably brought him back to his childhood somewhat.

Anyway, I got nothin' to tie this all together nicely. That's the point of having random ramblings...sometimes they are just random. Enjoy your movie watching!

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