Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Spending Our Way to Ruin

Yesterday at bowling, I saw a crawl go across Fox News that read: President Obama says we must "spend our way out of this recession." Huh? What the heck have we been doing? What was the $787 billion stimulus for if not to spend our way out of this recession? What are the record deficits for? This has all come about recently because we have learned that $200 billion of the TARP money will be coming back into the government.

There is one thing I like in the President's latest vague proposal. There's tax breaks, which I would support. In fact, if he wanted to use the entire $200 billion to give tax breaks to small businesses and corporations, I'd be fine with that.

But then he talks about infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges and water projects. That's where I get confused. Isn't that what the Stimulus was supposed to do? I thought it was all about "shovel ready" jobs to get people back to work and get our economy going again. Or was that just a load of cow manure designed to create a government slush fund for Democrat pet projects?

Sorry Barack, but it's time you use the $787 billion we already gave you for what you said you would use it for. With the $200 billion we are getting back from TARP, go ahead use it for tax breaks that help struggling businesses. And don't make it some stupidly complicated program with conditions about doing X, Y and Z to get your tax cut. Keep it simple! Make it an across the board tax cut for businesses...that will get the economy going. Or, better yet, use it to pay down some of the $12 trillion national debt. That way maybe my great, great, great grandchildren won't still be paying off our debts.

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