Friday, October 2, 2009

It's Only Fair

Today, the news and the right wing talk shows were all abuzz about Chicago losing the Olympics to Rio De Janeiro. The drive-by media was spinning like crazy trying to do damage control for President Obama, who failed in his attempt to convince the IOC to bring the games to Chicago. The right wing talk shows were rejoicing at Obama's failure and using this as a foreshadowing of things to come.

While it is difficult for me to avoid piling on in Obama's moment of embarassment, I'm going to pass on that. He's getting enough of that. Instead, I'm going to admonish the liberals who run Chicago and those who support the President for even trying to bring these games to Chicago.

Did these Chicago liberals know that the Olympic Games have never been held in South America? Don't these liberals who run Chicago understand that Chicago is a wealthy city, while Rio is in a developing nation...these games will benefit Rio far more than they will Chicago. So, to be consistent with what they preach, the liberals in Chicago should be happy that the games went to a less fortunate city. After all, they tell us that it's unfair that there are rich and poor people in this country, and they want to take from the rich and use it to benefit the poor. Should this be any different for a rich American city?

It's only fair that the games be taken from the rich American city and be given to the poor Brazilian city. As we all know, the liberal cause is to make the world more fair. I'm just appalled that they didn't realize this earlier and pull Chicago out of the running. Shame on you liberals! Thankfully, fairness won out.


Anonymous said...

How did we discover that only liberals were hoping Chicago would be chosen as the 2016 Olympic site? Perhaps Chicago should have gotten it because the boon to the U.S. economy from the Olympics would have enabled the U.S. to distribute it's fortunate wealth, which a developing country would not be able to do as well as the U.S. Perhaps there was fear the Rio would not be able to handle the responsibility, so Chicago should take on that onerous task and then give to of it's bounty to other countries of the world? Those are what you call liberal ideas, are they not? So maybe it would have been better for Chicago to get it over Rio.
Your reasoning for Rio getting sounds like a "liberal" philosophy to me. Wouldn't a conservative say the Olympics should go to the city that could make the Olympics the best it could be regardless of fairness or pity?

Jake said...

I was trying to sound like a liberal. So I guess I succeeded.