Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sometimes, bribery works!

With our move 3 weeks ago and trying to get our old house on the market, we've been working really hard lately.  We've all been sick over the past week or so, and my wife and I have been absolutely exhausted.  So, earlier this week, I picked up 2 bags of Donettes at HyVee, just for today.  Last night, I told the kids there would be Donettes out in the morning, they could get their own milk, and most importantly, they had to be quiet and let my wife and I sleep in. 

Well, the donut bribery worked!  I got to sleep until 8:15 am, and my wife even later.  I feel better today than I have for the past 3 weeks.  I'm still tired, but it's been a really good day of rest and cooking.  I made a new lasagna recipe for supper, and it was really good.  We have Mass at 9 am tomorrow, but I'm hoping to sleep in until 7:15 or so tomorrow morning and go back to work refreshed on Monday.

1 comment:

Mary Stubblefield said...

I can't wait until the kids are old enough for me to be able to do this ;)