Saturday, February 4, 2012

I Love Florida!

I just got back from a very brief business trip to Florida.  I was near Orlando on the Atlantic Coast.  This is now my fourth trip to the great state of Florida, and I have to confess that I love it! 

This past week, the temperatures were in the 70s, with light winds and no rain.  The seafood was fresh, and the smell of salt water was in the air.  Given that my favorite place on earth, Disney World, was a mere 75 minutes away, I was a pretty happy traveller, despite having to work while I was there.

I do have some observations after having made a few trips to the Sunshine State.  First off, it's really flat, but then what do you expect from a big swamp?  Secondly, I like the Gulf Coast better than the Atlantic Coast.  I love the white sand beaches and really clear water of the Gulf Coast near the panhandle.

Finally, you can get some really good food in Florida.  We all know that the Seafood is really fresh and it is really delicious.  But, what you don't realize is that there are enough transplants from around the country that you can get all kinds of good food.  I had a great pastrami sandwich for lunch one day, and fantastic baby-back ribs at another lunch.

I don't know that I would ever move to Florida full time...I do love the Midwest, but I may have to snowbird when I get older.  Well, if I got offered a job a Disney World I might have to take it. :-)

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