Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ranking the Commanding Officers

An interesting topic came up amongst 2 engineers today...who were the best Star Trek Captains?  Well, I've changed the title to Commanding Officers because I'm not sure Benjamin Sisko was actually a Captain in the early seasons of "Deep Space Nine".  We really have 6 commanding officers to choose from...Captain Kirk (William Shatner), Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart), Cmdr/Capt. Sisko (Avery Brooks), Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), Captain Archer (Scott Bakula) and New Captain Kirk (Chris Pine).  I'm excluding Captain Spok because he never really commanded the Enterprise.  I'm also excluding Mr. Sulu, who was Captain of Excelsior in "Star Trek 6".  Finally, I'm excluding the bearded one, Cmdr. Riker, who was Captain of the Enterprise while Picard was a Borg.

Without further adieu, here's my list:

1 - Cmdr/Capt. Sisko (Avery Brooks) - Sisko was the Commanding Officer of "Deep Space Nine" and is my favorite of the group.  He just had presence, and you really believed he could kick anybody's butt if he needed to.  The show was not my favorite of the group, but I really liked Sisko.  He provided a reason to watch a subpar show.

2 - New Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) - I loved the J.J. Abrams reboot of "Star Trek" and I love Chris Pine as Captain Kirk.  Pine was perfect for the role and easily stepped out of Shatner's shadow.  He could eventually be #1 on this list, but he has to show a little more first.

3 - Captain Archer (Scott Bakula) - "Enterprise" was my favorite of the TV shows, and Capt. Archer was a big reason why, but not the only reason.  That was a really great cast, and I think Archer's coolness suffers because of it.

4 - Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) - I just couldn't put a French guy with a British accent higher on this list.  Yes, he is a fine actor, but he was often overshadowed by Data's brilliance/quirkiness and Riker's beard.

5 - Original Captian Kirk (William Shatner) - To some, this will be blasphemy, but when compared to the younger, and better Chris Pine, Shatner seems old, slow and frankly, his overacting seems campy.  I do love him in the commercials though.

6 - Captain Janeway - She really struggled with a subpar show..."Voyager" was terrible.


Nuke said...

I generally agree w/ the order of the list, except I would move Picard to the top. Lafe and I are rewatching TNG and he continues to confirm himself to be the captain I would want driving me around the galaxy. Could Sisko even remember what "warp drive" means? He lives in a floating space dock and even when he leaves, has a worm hole to zip him around. And, what has Sisko done that compares to constantly beating Q as if he were just some holodeck opponent?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that I would put Picard above Sisko. And what about Janeway's voice. That's got to count for something, plus the horrible circumstances the Voyager was in and she was able to maintain control and plan a course of action. I think I would have to put Archer above the new Kirk, too. What has the new Kirk shown us, but that's he's a young allbeit talented punk. He hasn't earned his stipes or "pins" yet. I would put him at #6 acknowledging he has great potential to move up.

Jake said...

You're both nuts! The episode where Picard is being held and tortured by the Cardassians seals it for me. Sisko would have broke the Cardassian...Picard was about to break when he was "rescued".

Nuke said...

I see now why it took you extra days to respond. You had to search that long through episode synopses, throwing out all the ones where he demonstrated his superiority to all other captains, in order to find one showing a glimmer of weakness. Kudos for the effort.

What about all the times Picard was even able to overcome the charismatic power of Riker's beard in order to disobey Starfleet regulations against captains going on away team missions? I think you're fighting a losing battle. ;)

Jake said...

Sisko had to lead a team of non-Starfleet personnel who didn't necessarily trust him, including a shapeshifter. He also had to lead a know-it-all symbiote hosted in Dax, along with Mr. O'Brien who was an inferior engineer to Jordi. Who did Picard have to lead? Riker, who was more interested in Counselor Troi than anything. Data who was programmed to obey. Dr. Crusher who was an old friend, Mr Whorf and Jordi. Sorry, Sisko had the much greater leadership challenge.

Nuke said...

Ah, now I understand. So it's just like work for you. ;)