Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Sleep Test Results

A few months ago, I told you all about my sleep test.  Well, I was reminded by a blog reader today that I never shared my results.

As it turns out, I do not have sleep apnea...thank God!  I do have really bad allergies, which I've had for a long time.  I had been taking medication and thought that my allergies were as good as they were going to get, which was not very good.  I was wrong.  My doctor added a 3rd allergy medication to my regimen, one that works differently, and right away, I began to breathe better.

Within a few weeks of starting my new allergy medication, I began to sleep better.  Whereas before, I was only sleeping 2-3 hours at a shot, it is now quite normal for me to get 4-5 hours of sleep at a shot.  A few weeks ago, I fell asleep at 10:30 and didn't wake up until a little after 5 am!  That's unheard of for me.

I've had more energy and been more active, though I still don't think I sleep quite enough (that may be laziness more than anything).  I can now get through weekends without napping, and have been able to get myself up earlier on Saturdays to start getting stuff done.  I'm so glad I went through with the sleep test and have found some help.  Even though the sleep test was not pleasant, it was really worth it. 

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