Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Drive Time Pondering

I was driving home tonight, and I saw, yet another Barack Obama bumper sticker on a minivan that was ahead of me. This one said "Women for Obama" and the O was the stupid logo Obama used during the 2008 campaign. These Obama Bumper sticker sitings always get me thinking...
Anyway, here's the synopsis of the stream of thought I had, with some background info thrown in for completeness.

Living in a liberal area of the People's Republic of Iowa I see this often. I know the people around here aren't the most logical sort as demonstrated by their voting record, but by now I would have expected to see some of these bumper stickers scratched off, or blacked out, or something. I gotta think those normally right thinking people, who were swayed by Obama's fancy speeches and empty rhetoric are now realizing that they voted for a man wholly unqualified for the job he is doing.

Seriously, unemployment is still too high, the economy is recovering very slowly, we've had a disaster of a health care bill rammed down our throats and President Obama has botched just about every foreign policy decision he has made. Some of these people have to be having second thoughts. Maybe they're just too proud to admit it at this point. I guess we'll find out in 2012.

All this went through my head as I was driving home. It took about 6 seconds to have all those thoughts. The rest of my drive home was spent listening to quality radio and trying to stay warm.

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