Ok, here goes with a multiple movie review. Since none of these were the best movie ever, I think this is appropriate. Don't get me wrong, they didn't stink...just not the best ever.
"Knight and Day": This movie reminded me that Tom Cruise was once an enjoyable actor. I still don't understand why people think Cameron Diaz is so great, and I probably never will. For the first 75 minutes, I was going to rate "Knight and Day" 4 stars. Then the last 30 minutes happened, and really knocked this down to a 3 star movie. The banter between Tom Cruise and, well, everybody was terrific, and the action was good, but it all sorta stopped at about the 75 minute mark.
"The Other Guys": There are some genuinely funny moments in "The Other Guys." Wil Ferrell and Marky Mark (Wahlberg) star in this buddy cop movie about the other guys in the police precinct...the non-action stars. I have never been a huge Wil Ferrell fan, but he was actually really good in this. I also thought bringing in Michael Keaton as the Captain of the precinct was a nice touch. The only problem I had with this movie was Marky Mark...I just couldn't get the SNL skit "Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals" out of my head. Overall, this is a 3.5ish star movie.
"Scott Pilgrim vs. The World": This is a really different movie. Michael Cera stars as Scott Pilgrim. A side note...Michael Cera is the same character in every movie...that's not going to last when he gets older. Anyway, Scott starts dating a new girl, but that comes with dangerous consequences...Scott now has to face her 7 evil ex's in video game style mortal combat. When he defeats and evil ex, they turn into coins and he gets points. "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" was definitely worth watching...approaching 4 stars. There is definitely some adult humor in this PG-13 flick, so be careful.
"Salt": Of the 3 movies I watched on the airplane back from Germany, "Salt" was my favorite, easily reaching 4 stars. There is no female actor out there that can play an action star as well as Angelina Jolie, with the possible exception of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (a.k.a. Sara Michelle Gellar). In "Salt", Jolie plays CIA operative Evelyn Salt. Salt is accused of being a Russian spy. That kicks off a series of chases, gun fights, fist fights and plot twists to clear her name and save her husband. Pay attention to this one...I had to work very hard to keep up. "Salt" is just a good, smart action-thriller.
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